We are introducing new cutting-edge technology into our iSmile office that will transform your next dental appointment. Introducing SmartMirror—the brightest and most advanced dental mirror. With SmartMirror, we can get a crystal-clear view of your mouth and share the experience with you in real-time. This smart dental mirror allows us to do our job while capturing it all on camera and providing bright light. You won’t find this dental smart mirror technology anywhere else.

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Understand What is Happening

During your appointment, we will connect the SmartMirror to an iPad so you can view exactly what your dentist is seeing. This allows you to become an active participant and see firsthand which areas need more attention, where you are brushing too aggressively, or where a cavity has formed

See the Smallest Details

The SmartMirror has a camera in the middle of the mirror and can magnify up to 10x for a thorough examination of your teeth. This allows both you and the dentist to get a closer look and see small details that might have been missed with a classic dental mirror.


Learn More About Your Dental Care

Watch your entire appointment on a live stream and ask any questions you may have. With SmartMirror, it is possible to take photos and share them via text or email. This makes it easier to see exactly where you need to focus when you brush and floss your teeth.


SmartMirror helps you build a better relationship with your dentist and improve oral hygiene. You will have the opportunity to become a more active participant in your next dental checkup, so you can understand your oral hygiene better and take the best care of your smile.

Dr Jeffrey Shapiro Dentist | nyc dental

Dr. Jeffrey Shapiro 

Manhattan Cosmetic Dentist