New Scanning Technology Helps Dentists and Researchers

Dr. Jake N. Shapiro

Technology is progressing at an unimaginable speed. What used to be writings of sci-fi writers has become our reality and an essential part of our lives. There is no sector or field in the world that has remained untouched by technology. The same goes for the dental field. Over the last few decades, significant progress has been made in dental procedures, equipment, and methodologies. As a result, they are more efficient, painless and faster.

University of Michigan School of Dentistry researchers have recently released new software to improve the effectiveness of 3-dimensional images used to treat dental conditions. The software allows dentists and researchers to stack a series of scans obtained over a period of time to, according to Lucia Cevidanes, assistant professor in the Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry and the project’s principal investigator “… more accurately track both a disease and the effectiveness of its treatment.”

Diet For Gum Disease - The Mighty Lettuce Weighs in on Gum Disease

Dr. Jake N. Shapiro

Many patients at our Lower Manhattan cosmetic dental practice adhere to a low-carb diet, avoiding bread and other carbohydrate-heavy foods to shed pounds or maintain their weight while also reaping various health benefits. Interestingly, recent research from the University of Freiburg in Germany links a restricted carbohydrate diet to improved gum health. The 4-week study involved 15 participants, with 10 in the experimental group and 5 in the control group. While the control group continued with their regular diets, the experimental group followed a menu rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins C & D, and low in carbohydrates.

Happy Teeth, Healthy Holidays

Dr. Jake N. Shapiro

It’s that time of year that sweets are everywhere–at the office, in the coffee room, on a co-worker’s desk, and at every special event. Here are our NY cosmetic dental office, we see thousands of patients a year and, to a one, they want to keep cavities and dental erosion at bay. Here are some tips to foster a happy holiday season that will keep you smiling!

Your Toothpaste Spit Shouldn’t Be 50 Shades of Red

Dr. Jake N. Shapiro

OK, you’re brushing your teeth as usual but this time, when you spit, you notice a bit of pink in the spittle. While it might not seem like a big deal, it actually is. One of the first signs of early gum disease, called gingivitis, is bleeding in the gums, often noticed during brushing. Other signs include consistent bad breath and receding gums.

We all have heard people telling us that it is nothing to worry about if you spit a bit of pink after brushing your teeth. Without doing any research of our own or meeting a dentist, we take their words as the truth and continue with our lives. The real problem starts when gums swell or they start to bleed, more than usual.

The problem of not taking timely action is that you’d have to suffer more pain and of course go through the costly treatments. From booking an appointment to getting to the root cause and finally getting rid of it, it takes a lot of time and dollars!

So our recommendation? Please do not take it lightly.

Hooked on Hookah? Why Hookahs might be more Harmful For Health

Dr. Jake N. Shapiro

I don’t have exact numbers, but among our patients who gave up smoking are those who took up the hookah as a substitute, in hopes of enjoying tobacco in a less lethal form. Because waterpipes often use flavored tobacco (spiced chai, strawberry and cotton candy are apparently national favorites), and uses water in the pipe, it’s easy to think that a hookah exposes one to less tobacco and, therefore, lowers the risk of tobacco-related diseases. Truth is, that’s far from the truth.

The History of Toothpaste - Brushing and Flossing - iSmile

Dr. Jake N. Shapiro

I’m willing to posit that over 99% of patients in my New York dental practice use toothpaste. The rest may use other dentifrices, such as baking soda, but most of us are “all in” for the tubes of cleansing agents known as toothpaste. Ever wonder where toothpaste comes from? Who suddenly thought, “Hey, I need something tasty that will clean my teeth”? To answer that question, here’s a short history on the development of toothpaste!

Dental Implants: Do They Look real or not - dental implants in NYC

Dr. Jake N. Shapiro

Occasionally one of our Manhattan cosmetic dentists are asked about dental implants. Most individuals know what dental bridges and removable dentures look like, and the pros and cons of those, but few are familiar with dental implants.

Got Gingivitis? Causes, symptoms, and treatment - iSmile

Dr. Jake N. Shapiro

About 50% of Americans have gum disease. Gingivitis, inflammation of the gums, is also called periodontal disease.  What causes it, what are the symptoms, why is it a problem, and how can you eliminate it?